I have a SCORM question…

SCORM isn’t easy. Everywhere you turn, someone’s having a challenge making it work, whether through human, system or developer error. Which is why we make such a big deal about encouraging people to ask us questions. The best way to get SCORM to work is…

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Speak Up – SCORM Data Model and API Open for Comments

As you may know, SCORM is a reference model that is composed of other underlying standards. Two of the most important parts of SCORM, the CMI data model and the ECMAScript API, are governed by the IEEE. The IEEE is currently soliciting comments on these…

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Beyond the check box, a new e-book.

SCORM used to be binary, either you had it or you didn't. But that's not right. Let's face it, in reality there are some good SCORM implementations and some, well, really bad SCORM implementations. Our new e-book will help you decide which is which. (more…)

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Score Rollup in SCORM 1.2: There’s no silver bullet

I got this question today (and yes, we really do mean you can ask us anything...): We are making configuration settings for our new LMS ([redacted]) and one of the questions is: 1.3.5. How is the overall score for a SCORM course with more than…

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LETSI Web Services for Learning Phase 1 Prototype

I am excited to be involved in the LETSI project creating "Web Services for Learning Run-Time Communication". In my mind, it's the most useful work going on in the e-learning standards world these days (but I'm sure others will disagree). It's fun, we have a…

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Drupal, SCORM, and why The Partridge Family was wrong

Here I go, here I go, here I go... again. I've been called to defend SCORM's honor again. I caught a tweet yesterday. E-Learning in Drupal - SCORM RTE for Drupal now released! Watch the demo: -@BusinessCarrots We are big believers in SCORM being…

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Can’t want what we don’t know about

Once upon a time, there was no sliced bread*. And people were happy because they didn’t know they wanted sliced bread. Then someone gave them sliced bread. Suspicion, amazement and eventually joy erupted. Suddenly, they wanted, no needed, sliced bread. These days, it’s tough to…

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SCORM 2004 4th Edition is Available

Last night we released an implementation of SCORM 2004 4th Edition to the public TestTrack server. For all of you chomping at the bit to take advantage of the new features in 4th Edition, now's your chance to give it a whirl. Ok, so maybe…

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