Today on the xAPI working group call, ADL shared some news about their funding over the next 12 months. We’ve discussed this in more detail at (because it has more impact there), but wanted to share a SCORM specific perspective here.

ADL continues to house information about SCORM on their websites, and it’s still the best place to go to understand the state of SCORM adoption and certification. It will continue to be the best place for that.

SCORM isn’t evolving much these days. It’s a solution to a narrow problem that works pretty well for most of its users. If I had to guess, I would bet that about 1% of ADL’s attention goes to SCORM. Whether that attention goes to zero or not, SCORM will continue to be a massively adopted solution to a problem millions of people have… delivering content and reporting results in an LMS.

If you have questions about SCORM, or want to adopt it, Rustici Software is still the best place to get started. Let us know if we can help you.