LMS’s and content creators benefit from one another. It’s a symbiotic relationship. The problem is that it’s not always (and usually isn’t) clear who will play nicely together. Our latest project is making it easier for you all to find each other and work together.
We’ve been compiling a massive list of e-learning companies to see who is likely to play well together. We quickly realized that our unique position (think Switzerland) in the industry means we can share this list with the world and create a valuable resource for everyone.
We’re not just publishing a list. We’re providing a searchable, filterable database that makes it easy to find what you want.

We’re not going to tell you which vendors you should partner with. It’s not our style. Instead, we’re giving you the most comprehensive data set of e-learning products and vendors available, and the tools to make it useful.
When we say “comprehensive data set”, we mean it. There are more of these vendors out there than any of you realize. You’re welcome to submit your guesses at eLearningAtlas.com.
We’ve hired people to help us do this. They’ll be reaching out to everyone. If you don’t want to wait, email us about your product right now.