Curious about the adoption of SCORM 2004, I recently conducted an informal study of the packages uploaded to SCORM Test Track. Here's what I looked at and what I concluded. SCORM Versions I first looked at the distribution of SCORM versions over time. The data…

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SCORM Crossroads

I just returned from the ADL Technical Working Group meeting where we tried to set forth a road map for the future of SCORM. With the stabilization of SCORM 2004 and the transition of SCORM stewardship to LETSI, there was lots to talk about and…

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Partnering with the ADL Job Performance Technology Center

ADL is about more than just SCORM. The ADL initiative is about creating truly advanced distributed learning. One of its latest thrusts is the ADL Job Performance Technology Center. The JPTC is working to tightly integrate the SCORM specification for online training with the S1000D…

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ADL Technical Working Group Meeting Recap

Last week, we had another meeting of the ADL Technical Working Group to discuss current issues with SCORM 2004, plans for SCORM 2004 3rd Edition and future directions for ADL. I'll spare you all the detailed SCORM minutia that we talked about, but below are…

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International Plugfest 2

ADL hosted the Second International Plugfest event last week in Taipei. The event was well attended by the Asian countries but had surprisingly little Western representation. I gave the presentation "LMS and Content Conversion Tools for Multiple Standards" [download] in the SCORM 2004 Product Demonstrations…

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