SCORM Talk vs. SCORM Walk

SCORM Talk vs. SCORM Walk

When looking through the eLearning Atlas, I wondered if the versions of SCORM that companies claim to support are closely matched to what we see being used in reality, via SCORM Cloud. Let’s check it out: Versions of Claimed SCORM Support in the eLearning Atlas…

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Research Worth Sharing from the eLearning Atlas

eLearning Atlas: Research Worth Sharing

We created the eLearning Atlas to be an ideal tool to easily find the proper solutions. Jena and I have tried to speak to every company in the Atlas, and we continue to seek those that we’ve missed. This process provides a valuable pool of…

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Why the Details Matter When it Comes to SCORM Support

Why The Details Matter

A car salesman’s credibility is quickly lost when he guesses what size engine is under the hood or what the gas mileage could be. Claiming a car has “good” gas mileage is not the same thing as knowing it’s 40 mpg. A 6-cylinder engine can…

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Score Rollup in SCORM 1.2: There’s no silver bullet

I got this question today (and yes, we really do mean you can ask us anything...): We are making configuration settings for our new LMS ([redacted]) and one of the questions is: 1.3.5. How is the overall score for a SCORM course with more than…

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SCORM 2004 4th Edition is Available

Last night we released an implementation of SCORM 2004 4th Edition to the public TestTrack server. For all of you chomping at the bit to take advantage of the new features in 4th Edition, now's your chance to give it a whirl. Ok, so maybe…

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SCORM 2004 4th Edition

ADL recently released beta versions of the SCORM 2004 4th Edition Conformance Test Suite and Sample Run Time Environment. 4th Edition adds 4 new features and 30-something clarifications/enhancements/bug fixes to SCORM 2004. This evolution is not a drastic change to the specification, but should represent…

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Challenging Problems

Moodle is the leading open source LMS (based on no real research on my part whatsoever, mostly, I've just heard the name more than Sakai or some other alternatives). They've done a great job creating a product that is broadly used and reasonably well thought…

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