Interview with Walt Mansell (CEO) at Watershed Networks

Key Points: Our content is constantly updating, so we need to keep control of it on our servers.  This doesn't work well with SCORM. We provide the ability to personalize the content, mix and match assets as desired, quickly. For customers who do want SCORM…

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Interview with Sachin Gaur at IBM

Key Points: Current LMSs focus too much on Management, not enough on Learning Need to customize the learning experience not just by learning need but also by learner type LMSs should be able to design, offer and track informal learning such as job shadowing or…

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Interview with Shanmugam K at Origin Learning

Key Points: Numerous requests to convert content and run it on mobile devices, tablets. Interoperability poses a problem - content works in a test suite, but not on LMS Created and tracked accident scenarios through Second Life Communication failures even after the certificate is granted,…

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Inteview with Ingo Dahn, CEO IWM Koblenz

Key Points: LMSs don't always implement standard fully, content may not be tested, tools should explicitly describe the profile of the standard which they fully implement, and be conformance tested. Common Cartridge approach makes sense, core required profile, but optional features as well. Extension points…

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Interview with Doug Stein, (Principal) MemeSpark LLC

Key Points: Personalized learning is a growing interest in K-12. See work DreamBox learning is doing, for what they are doing, SCORM, even CC breaks down, they are using formative assessment. Adjustable difficulty, level of support, based on learner Could be supported by providing learner…

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Interview with Susith Jayamanne at the West Bromwich Building Society

Key Points: Browser timeout, connection drops should be supported better. There are still interoperability problems. Distributed content that just tracks back to the LMS should be supported, particularly to handle low bandwith scenarios where the content can't be served from the LMS. Multi user collaboration,…

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Interview with Kristen Loch, Bill Parrot at SafetyOnTheWeb

Key Points: Working on interactive, user based experience, including interface to the real world & simulations -- have to use other software and try to tie that back to SCORM. Need ability to capture more detailed data. Learning experiences are not linear. Need to bookmark…

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Interview with Tyde Richards

Key Points: Should look outside of the learning space for solutions, in particular consider the IHMC KAoS framework. Need something disruptive, otherwise people won't adopt it unless mandated. Need vision, and a complete technical solution in order to convince people "There's a bandwagon and now's…

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Interview with Philip Hutchison

Key Points: People want to break out of the LMS, incorporate social media. SCORM is focused on a single person, but there is demand for multi-user experiences that can be quantified. Knowing the learner role would be useful, eg: to only present relevant portions of…

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