Posts by Mike Rustici

Mike is the Founder and was President of Rustici Software until 2016. Most recently he was the CEO of Watershed Systems. He helped guide the first draft of the Tin Can API (xAPI) and believes ice cream is the "elixir of life."

International Plugfest 2

ADL hosted the Second International Plugfest event last week in Taipei. The event was well attended by the Asian countries but had surprisingly little Western representation. I gave the presentation "LMS and Content Conversion Tools for Multiple Standards" [download] in the SCORM 2004 Product Demonstrations…

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SCORM Reference Poster

Internally here at Rustici Software, we've long known that having a consolidated SCORM reference on our desk makes our lives a lot easier. Being that we work with SCORM all day long, day in and day out, this just made sense. Lately we've heard from…

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