Posts by Mike Rustici

Mike is the Founder and was President of Rustici Software until 2016. Most recently he was the CEO of Watershed Systems. He helped guide the first draft of the Tin Can API (xAPI) and believes ice cream is the "elixir of life."

True Interoperability Requires Intent

Tom King recently tweeted a great blog post on ZDNet by Jeremy Allison that teaches some great lessons about standards and the creation of true interoperability. The ZDNet post is a reaction to a post by Rob Weir that explains how Microsoft created an implementation…

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xml.xsd from the w3c, oh dear me

I spent the day today working with the most minute of the SCORM minutiae. The XML Schema Definition files (XSD) that define the structure of the SCORM manifest aren't something most people give much thought to. Mostly these files, and their associated XML header, are…

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Need to Download Historical SCORM Specs?

ADL recently published a new website, but unfortunately didn't include any 404 redirects so that old links will go to the proper new page. It can be kind of hard to find some of the things you might be looking for. Most notably, it seems…

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SCORM Security – Some Perspective

The SCORM community is abuzz these days with talk about the security (or lack thereof) in SCORM. As an "alpha-scormmie", I'd like to share some of my perspectives on the issue and try to put things in context. The crux of the issue is that…

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Learning to Swim

From my recent post on the LETSI blog:They say that sometimes the best way to learn how to swim is just to dive into the water and see what happens (please don’t actually try this at home). Often, you can analyze a problem and get…

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SCORM 2004 4th Edition

ADL recently released beta versions of the SCORM 2004 4th Edition Conformance Test Suite and Sample Run Time Environment. 4th Edition adds 4 new features and 30-something clarifications/enhancements/bug fixes to SCORM 2004. This evolution is not a drastic change to the specification, but should represent…

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A diagram explaining SCORM engine

The SCORM Engine as a “platform for e-learning”?

Tim and I have been discussing how our own experience in designing the SCORM Engine might directly apply to the "platform for e-learning" being discussed by LETSI. Behind the scenes, the SCORM Engine is essentially a platform that facilitates adding plug-in functionality to LMS's. In…

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What is a “Platform for e-Learning”?

There has been a lot of talk in LETSI lately about what SCORM 2.0 should look like. Everything is on the table. Since there are so many use cases for e-learning, it has been difficult to narrow down the focus of what a specification for…

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SCORM Isn’t Dead, But Apparently It Is Misunderstood

A recent entry on "Rod's Pulse Podcast" contained an audio interview with Dr. Bobbe Baggio, In the interview, Dr. Baggio asserts that "SCORM is dead". She also says that "people who work with SCORM understand what I mean". Dr. Baggio, I work with SCORM, I…

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Square brackets “[]” in AICC

When content sends data to an LMS via AICC, it uses a Microsoft INI data format. For instance, the data might look something like this:[CORE]LESSON_STATUS=PassedLESSON_LOCATION=page1SCORE=95TIME=00:20:54[CORE_LESSON]A bunch of data to be saved for laterThe "bunch of data" stored in the core lesson field is free text…

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