Posts by abbeysmith

Challenging Problems

Moodle is the leading open source LMS (based on no real research on my part whatsoever, mostly, I've just heard the name more than Sakai or some other alternatives). They've done a great job creating a product that is broadly used and reasonably well thought…

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“Am I Conformant?”

I spent much of last week at ASTD's Techknowledge '08 conference in San Antonio. Some of the shows I attend as a participant... this one was purely about manning the booth. I had several interesting conversations throughout the show, but one jumped out at me.…

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SCORM comic

SCORM Comics?

The SCORM Engine, the SCORM Driver, these are our products. But now, we're branching out into SCORM Comics? That's right, as part of our trade show booth at the upcoming ATSD event in Denver, Hannah Wyatt created this comic for us. Two frames really tell…

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Welcome to the SCORM blog

Welcome to Rustici Software's SCORM blog. We're excited to have a forum in which we can talk about SCORM, tout our accomplishment, and work with our customers and other readers. The purpose of this blog will certainly evolve over time, but we expect to provide…

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