4th Edition Release

Just following up on yesterday's post regarding SCORM 2004 4th Edition testing. According to this tweet, it looks as if ADL may be holding off until August for this testing. We will likely follow suit so as to be sure to release a certifiable product…

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Why you should go ahead and update your website

We spent nearly a year updating our website. It was an arduous process, worked around our daily chores, but let me tell you, it was worth it. We've been linking to our own website constantly as people ask us questions we've answered before. That in…

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xml.xsd from the w3c, oh dear me

I spent the day today working with the most minute of the SCORM minutiae. The XML Schema Definition files (XSD) that define the structure of the SCORM manifest aren't something most people give much thought to. Mostly these files, and their associated XML header, are…

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Need to Download Historical SCORM Specs?

ADL recently published a new website, but unfortunately didn't include any 404 redirects so that old links will go to the proper new page. It can be kind of hard to find some of the things you might be looking for. Most notably, it seems…

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Website Semantics Are Fun!!!

Look out everyone. This post is going to be thrilling! We're talking website semantics, rss feeds, and where you can find information! Digg this post, bookmark it, tweet away, because this is hot, hot stuff. More or less, I want you to be able to…

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SCORM Security – Some Perspective

The SCORM community is abuzz these days with talk about the security (or lack thereof) in SCORM. As an "alpha-scormmie", I'd like to share some of my perspectives on the issue and try to put things in context. The crux of the issue is that…

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Scalable Storage Using Amazon’s Elastic Block Store

We've recently completed development of a hosted version of our SCORM Engine. In the coming weeks we will be transitioning TestTrack over to using the hosted Engine to enable much greater scalability than the single server install can currently provide. This project will involved liberal…

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Learning to Swim

From my recent post on the LETSI blog:They say that sometimes the best way to learn how to swim is just to dive into the water and see what happens (please don’t actually try this at home). Often, you can analyze a problem and get…

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Tests like these…

Tests like these are why you buy the SCORM Engine. "What is that?" you might ask. This is a dashboard widget that we maintain on our big screens in the two offices. Anytime you walk through the common space, you get a quick look at…

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SCORM 2004 4th Edition

ADL recently released beta versions of the SCORM 2004 4th Edition Conformance Test Suite and Sample Run Time Environment. 4th Edition adds 4 new features and 30-something clarifications/enhancements/bug fixes to SCORM 2004. This evolution is not a drastic change to the specification, but should represent…

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