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SCORM 2004 Sequencing Definition XML Binding
- <sequencing>[1]Container for a collection of sequencing data.
- ID [0:1]An identifier must be specified if this sequencing element is part of a sequencingCollection element.
- <controlMode> [0:1]Container for specifying Sequencing Control Modes.
- choice [0:1]Bound to Sequencing Control Choice.
- choiceExit [0:1]Bound to Sequencing Control Choice Exit.
- flow [0:1]Bound to Sequencing Control Flow.
- forwardOnly [0:1]Bound to Sequencing Control Forward Only.
- useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo [0:1]Bound to Use Current Attempt Objective Information.
- useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo [0:1]Bound to Use Current Attempt Progress Information.
- <sequencingRules> [0:1]Container for defining sequencing rules.
- <preConditionRule> [0:1]Container for a rule with a precondition action.
- <ruleCoditions> [1]Container for conditions to be evaluated for this rule.
- conditionCombination [0:1]Bound to Condition Combination.
- <ruleCondition> [1-many]Container for defined a rule condition.
- referencedObjective [0:1]Bound to Rule Condition Referenced Objective.
- measureThreshold [0:1]Bound to Rule Condition Measure Threshold.
- operator [0:1]Bound to Rule Condition Operator.
- condition [1]Bound to Rule Condition.
- <ruleAction> [1]Container for specifying rule action.
- action [1]Bound to Rule Action.
- <ruleCoditions> [1]Container for conditions to be evaluated for this rule.
- <exitConditionRule> [0:1]Container for a rule with an exit condition action.
- <ruleConditions> [1]Contains the same attributes and child elements as the ruleConditions element in the preConditionRule element.
- <postConditionRule> [0:1]Container for a rule with a post condition action.
- <ruleConditions Type> [1]Contains the same attributes and child elements as the ruleConditions element in the preConditionRule element.
- <preConditionRule> [0:1]Container for a rule with a precondition action.
- <limitConditions> [0:1]Container for specifying Limit Conditions.
- attemptLimit [0:1]Bound to Limit Condition Attempt Limit.
- attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit [0:1]Bound to Limit Condition Attempt Absolute Duration Limit (Note, duration-based sequencing is currently not widely supported in SCORM 2004).
- <rollupRules> [0:1]Container for specifying rollup rules.
- rollupObjectiveSatisfied [0:1]Bound to Rollup Objective Satisfied.
- rollupProgressCompletion [0:1]Bound to Rollup Progress Completion.
- objectiveMeasureWeight [0:1]Bound to Rollup Objective Measure Weight.
- <rollupRule> [0:many]Container for specifying a rollup rule.
- childActivitySet [0:1]Bound to Rollup Child Activity Set.
- minimumCount [0:1]Bound to Rollup Minimum Count.
- minimumPercent [0:1]Bound to Rollup Minimum Percent.
- <rollupConditions> [1]Container for the conditions applicable to this rollup rule.
- conditionCombination [0:1]Bound to Condition Combination.
- <rollupCondition> [1:many]Container for defining a specific rollup condition.
- operator [0:1]Bound to Rollup Condition Operator.
- condition [1]Bound to Rollup Conditions.
- <rollupAction> [1]Container for specifying a rollup action.
- action [1]Bound to Rollup Actions.
- <objectives> [0:1]Container for defining sequencing objectives.
- <primaryObjective> [1]Container for defining this activity’s primary objective. (Indicates Objective Contributes To Rollup is true.)
- satisfiedByMeasure [0:1]Bound to Objective Satisfied By Measure.
- objectiveId [0:1]Bound to Objective Id.
- <minNormalizedMeasure> [0:1]Bound to Objective Minimum Satisfied Normalized Measure.
- <mapInfo> [0:many]Container for defining a map to a global objective.
- targetObjectiveId [1]Bound to Target Objective Id.
- readSatisfiedStatus [0:1]Bound to Read Objective Satisfied Status.
- readNormalizedMeasure [0:1]Bound to Read Objective Normalized Measure.
- writeSatisfiedStatus [0:1]Bound to Write Objective Satisfied Status.
- writeNormalizedMeasure [0:1]Bound to Write Objective Normalized Measure.
- <objectives> [0:many]Container for defining non-primary objectives for this activity (Objective Contributes to Rollup is false.)
- <objective definition> [1]Attributes and child elements are the same as the primaryObjective element, except objectiveId is required, not optional.
- <primaryObjective> [1]Container for defining this activity’s primary objective. (Indicates Objective Contributes To Rollup is true.)
- <randomizationControls> [0:1]Container for specifying randomization and selection controls.
- randomizationTiming [0:1]Bound to Randomization Timing.
- selectCount [0:1]Bound to Selection Count.
- reorderChildren [0:1]Bound to Randomized Children.
- selectionTiming [0:1]Bound to Selection Timing.
- <deliveryControls> [0:1]Container for specifying delivery controls.
- tracked [0:1]Bound to tracked.
- completionSetByContent [0:1]Bound to Completion Set By Content.
- objectiveSetByContent [0:1]Bound to Objective Set By Content.
- <adlseq:constrainedChoiceConsiderations> [0:1]Container for specifying constrain choice controls.
- preventActivitation [0:1]Bound to Prevent Activation.
- constrainChoice [0:1]Bound to Constrain Choice.
- <adlseq:rollupConsiderations> [0:1]Container for specifying rollup consideration controls.
- requiredForSatisfied [0:1]Bound to Required For Satisfied.
- requiredForNotSatisfied [0:1]Bound to Required For Not Satisfied.
- requiredForCompleted [0:1]Bound to Required for Completed.
- requiredForIncomplete [0:1]Bound to Required for Incomplete.
- measureSatisfactionIfActive [0:1]Bound to Measure Satisfaction If Active.
- <adlseq:objectives> [0:1]Container for specifying ADL extensions to objectives (introduced in 4th Edition).
- <objectives> [0:many]Container for defining for this activity (must correspond to objectives defined above)
- <objective> [0:many]Container for defining for this activity(must correspond to objectives defined above)
- objectiveId [0:1]Bound to Objective Id.
- <mapInfo> [0:many]Container for defining a map to a global objective.
- targetObjectiveId [1]Bound to Target Objective Id.
- readRawScore [0:1]Bound to Read Raw Scopre.
- readMinScore [0:1]Bound to Read Min Score.
- readMaxScore [0:1]Bound to Read Read Max Score.
- readCompletionStatus [0:1]Bound to Read Completion Status.
- readProgressMeasure [0:1]Bound to Read Progress Measure.
- writeRawScore [0:1]Bound to Write Raw Scopre.
- writeMinScore [0:1]Bound to Write Min Score.
- writeMaxScore [0:1]Bound to Write Read Max Score.
- writeCompletionStatus [0:1]Bound to Write Completion Status.
- writeProgressMeasure [0:1]Bound to Write Progress Measure.
- <objective> [0:many]Container for defining for this activity(must correspond to objectives defined above)
- <objectives> [0:many]Container for defining for this activity (must correspond to objectives defined above)