• <lom>[1]Root level element that contains a metadata instance describing a learning object.
      • <general>[0:1]Container element for general metadata.
        • <identifier>[0:many]Container element for a value that identifies this learning object.
          • <catalog>[0:1]Cataloging scheme (or scope) in which the learning object is being identified (URI, ISBN, ISSN, etc).
          • <entry>[0:1]Identifier of the learning object that is unique within the catalog.
        • <title>[0:1]Title of the course
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <language>[0:many]The language(s) this learning object uses to communicate with the learner.
        • <description>[0:many]A textual description of the learning object.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <keyword>[0:many]One or more keywords describing the learning object. Each keyword entry may contain more than one word if the entry represents a phrase.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <coverage>[0:many]Describes the scope (time, culture, geography, region, etc) of the training in the learning object.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <structure>[0:1]Describes the organizational structure of the content. (atomic, collection, networked, hierarchical, linear)
        • <aggregationLevel>[0:1]Functional granularity of the learning object (1=smallest level of granularity [raw asset], 4=highest level of granularity [complete course])
      • <lifeCycle>[0:1]Container element for metadata describing the history and current state of the learning object.
        • <version>[0:1]Current version of the learning object.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <status>[0:1]Current status of the learning object (draft, final, revised, unavailable)
        • <contribute>[0:many]Provides a list of entities (people, companies, etc) that have contributed to the creation of this learning object.
          • <role>[0:1]The type of contribution made (author, publisher, unknown, initiator, terminator, validator, editor, graphical designer, technical implementer, content provider, technical validator, educational validator, script writer, instructional designer, subject matter expert).
          • <entity>[0:many]VCard identifying the entity making the contribution.
          • <date>[0:1]Timestamp of the contribution
            • <dateTime>[1]The dateTime element allows for a timestamp to be provided along with a textual description of the date.
      • <metaMetadata>[0:1]The metaMetadata container element provides for metadata about the metadata itself.
        • <identifier>[0:many]Unique identifying label for this set of metadata.
          • <catalog>[0:1]Cataloging scheme (or scope) in which the learning object is being identified (URI, ISBN, ISSN, etc).
          • <entry>[0:1]Identifier of the learning object that is unique within the catalog.
        • <contribute>[0:many]Provides a list of entities (people, companies, etc) that have contributed to the creation of this metadata set.
          • <role>[0:1]The type of contribution made (creator, validator).
          • <entity>[0:many]VCard identifying the entity making the contribution.
          • <date>[0:1]Timestamp of the contribution
            • <dateTime>[1]The dateTime element allows for a timestamp to be provided along with a textual description of the date.
        • <metadataScheme>[0:1]Name of the metadata scheme used in formatting this metadata. Required to be “LOMv1.0”.
        • <language>[0:1]The language used by this metadata instance.
      • <technical>[0:1]Container element containing information about the technical implementation of this learning object.
        • <format>[0:many]MIME types of the content used in this learning object.
        • <size>[0:1]Size in bytes of this learning object.
        • <location>[0:many]Points to the file location of the learning object. This field can be used to specify an alternate location for acquiring the resource other than the content package.
        • <requirement>[0:many]Represents a list of minimum technical requirements for running the learning object.
          • <orComposite>[0:many]Mulitiple requirements can be listed within a single orComposite node and they are considered to be a single requirement. A separate instance of the ofComposite node indicates an alternate requirement.
            • <type>[0:1]Type of requirement (operating system or browser).
            • <name>[0:1]Name of the produce required (pc-dos, ms-windows, macos, unix, multi-os, none, any, netscape communicator, ms-internet explorer, opera, amaya).
            • <minimumVersion>[0:1]Minimum version of the product required.
            • <maximumVersion>[0:1]Maximum version of the product supported.
        • <installationRemarks>[0:1]Textual field for conveying specific instructions for installing this learning object.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <otherPlatformRequirements>[0:1]Textual field for listing system requirements that do not fit into the structured vocabulary of the requirement element.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <duration>[0:1]Represents the amount of time the learning object occupies when delivered at the intended speed. (Useful for assets like video files or audio clips.)
          • <durationType>[1]The duration type allows for a duration to be provided along with a textual description of the duration.
      • <educational>[0:1]The educational container element holds information about the educational or pedagogic characteristics of the learning object.
        • <interactivityType>[0:1]Describes the dominant type of learning conducted in this learning object (active, expositive, mixed).
        • <learningResourceType>[0:many]Describes the kind of resources in this learning object (exercise, simulation, questionnaire, diagram, figure, graph, index, slide, table, narrative text, exam, experiment, problem statement, self assessment, lecture).
        • <interactivityLevel>[0:1]Describes the degree to which the leaner can affect the learning experience (very low, low, medium, high, very high).
        • <semanticDensity>[0:1]Describes the degree of conciseness of the content in the learning object (very low, low, medium, high, very high).
        • <intendedEndUserRole>[0:1]Describes the principal user for which the learning object was designed (teacher, author, learner, manager).
        • <context>[0:many]Describes the environment in which the learning object is intended to be delivered (school, higher education, training, other).
        • <typicalAgeRange>[0:many]Describes the age of the typical user of the learning object (minimum age – maximum age, in years)
        • <difficulty>[0:1]Describes how hard it is for a learner to work through this learning object, assuming the learner is in the intended context and typicalAgeRange (very easy, easy, medium, difficult, very difficult).
        • <typicalLearningTime>[0:1]Expected amount of time it will take for a learner to complete this learning object, assuming teh learned is in the intended context and typicalAgeRange.
          • <durationType>[1]The duration type allows for a duration to be provided along with a textual description of the duration.
        • <description>[0:many]Describes how this learning object should be used.
        • <language>[0:many]Represents the language used by the typical learner.
      • <rights>[0:1]The rights container element holds information about the intellectual property rights associated with this learning object.
        • <cost>[0:1]Yes/No element about whether or not there is a financial cost associated with using this learning object.
        • <copyrightAndOtherRestrictions>[0:1]Yes/No element about whether or not this learning object is copyrighted or has any other usage restrictions.
        • <description>[0:1]A textual description about the allowed use of the learning object.
      • <relation>[0:many]The relation category describes this learning object’s relationship with other components.
        • <kind>[0:1]The type of relationship being described (ispartof, haspart, isversionof, hasversion, isformatof, hasformat, references, isreferencedby, isbasedon, isbasisfor, requires, isrequiredby).
        • <resource>[0:1]The component that this learning object is related to.
          • <identifier>[0:many]Unique identifier of the related component.
            • <catalog>[0:1]Cataloging scheme (or scope) in which the learning object is being identified (URI, ISBN, ISSN, etc).
            • <entry>[0:1]Identifier of the learning object that is unique within the catalog.
          • <description>[0:many]A textual description of this relationship.
      • <annotation>[0:many]The annotation container provides a way for authors to make additional comments on the educational use of this learning object.
        • <entity>[0:1]VCard specifying the entity making the annotation.
        • <date>[0:1]The date the annotation was made.
          • <dateTime>[1]The dateTime element allows for a timestamp to be provided along with a textual description of the date.
        • <description>[0:1]Contains the contents of the annotation.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
      • <classification>[0:1]The classification container element is used to categorize this learning object within the context of a controlled vocabulary or classification system.
        • <purpose>[0:1]Defines the purpose of classifying this learning object (discipline, idea, prerequisite, educational objective, accessibility restrictions, educational level, skill level, security level, competency).
        • <taxonPath>[0:many]Defines the taxonomic path within the specific classification system.
          • <source>[0:1]Describes the classification system.
          • <taxon>[0:many]Describes a particular term or node within the classification system.
            • <id>[0:1]Identifier of the taxon.
            • <entry>[0:1]Actual textual label of the taxon.
              • <Langstring>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.
        • <description>[0:1]Textual description of the learning object as it relates to the classification purpose.
        • <keyword>[0:many]Keywords and descriptive phrases relating to the learning object within the context of the classification purpose.
          • <LangString>[1:many]LangString elements allow the value for the container element to have alternate versions for different languages.