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SCORM 2004 Manifest Structure
- <manifest>[1]Outermost container element for the manifest.
- identifier[1]Unique identifier for this manifest. Should be a globally unique value.
- version[0:1]The version of this manifest.
- xml:base[0:1]Specifies a root URL for any URLs specified in child elements.
- <metadata>[1]A container for metadata about the entire manifest. Since most manifests contain only one course, this is the most popular location for metadata.
- <schema>[1]Defines which schema is used by this manifest. For SCORM 2004, this should always be "ADL SCORM"
- <schemaversion>[1]Defines the specific SCORM version of this manifest.
- <lom or adlcp:location>[0:1]Contains either embedded metadata (lom) or a relative URL to an external metadata file (adlcp:location). See the metadata section for a full description.
- <organizations>[1]Contains all of the different ways the content in this manifest can be arranged. Usually there is just one organization defined. Multiple organizations define alternate ways of presenting the content (to present different content to different audiences for example).
- default[0:1]If multiple organizations are included, this attribute indicates which is the default. Value should correspond to the "identifier" of the default organization.
- <organization>[1:many]Contains a single arrangement of the content in this manifest.
- identifier[1]Unique identifier for this organization. Should be unique within this manifest.
- structure[0:1]Defines the "shape" of this organization. Typically not used in a meaningful manner.
- adlseq:objectivesGlobalToSystem[0:1]Determines whether global objectives defined in the manifest should be visible to other course. It is strongly recommended that this value be explicitly set to "false".
- <title>[1]The name of this organization. This value is often used as the title for the entire course.
- <item>[1:many]Each item represents an activity in this course. Items can be nested to create a hierarchical structure. Items with child item nodes are called Aggregations. Items without children are called Leaf Nodes and represent a deliverable resource (SCO or Asset).
- identifier[1]Unique identifier for this item. Should be unique within this manifest.
- identifierref[0:1]Pointer to a resource that contains the content for this item. Should only be used on items that represent deliverable activities (SCO/Assets). Items that contain children (Aggregations) should not contain an identifierref attribute.
- isvisible[0:1]Boolean value indicating whether or not this activity should be visible to the learner in the table of contents.
- parameters[0:1]Querystring parameters that should be passed to an associated SCO or Asset on launch. Useful for varying the behavior of shared resources based on the item from which they are referenced.
- <title>[1]The title of this activity.
- <item>[0:many]Child activities used to create hierarcal structures. Child item tags are identical to this item tag.
- <metadata>[0:1]Metadata describing this particular item. Rarely used.
- <lom or adlcp:location>[1]Contains either embedded metadata (lom) or a relative URL to an external metadata file (adlcp:location). See the metadata section for a full description.
- <adlcp:timeLimitAction>[0:1]Used to initialize the cmi.time_limit_action runtime data model element. This element tells the SCO what the content author would like for it to do when the student has exceeded the maximum allowable time. It is up to the SCO to implement this behavior.
- <adlcp:dataFromLMS>[0:1]Data to be sent to the SCO via the cmi.launch_data runtime data model element. Similar to the parameters attribute, this data can be useful for varying the behavior of shared resources.
- <adlcp:completionThreshold>[0:1]The minimum threshold of progress measure the learner must attain before being considered to have completed this activity. Used to initialize the cmi.completion_threshold runtime data model element. (Prior to 4th Edition, this is an element with the value contained as a child. After 4th Edition, this element should have no children and values should be specified as attributes)
- completedByMeasure[0:1]If true, indicates that this activity's completion status will be determined solely by the relation of the progress measure to completionThreshold/minProgressMeasure. (Introduced in 4th Edition)
- minProgressMeasure[0:1]The completion threshold value is specified here in 4th Edition and greater instead of in the container element. (Introduced in 4th Edition)
- progressWeight[0:1]Indicates how much this activity should count relative to other activities when determining the progress measure of their parent. (Introduced in 4th Edition)
- <imsss:sequencing>[0:1]Defines sequencing rules applicable to this activity. See the sequencing section for full details.
- <adlnav:presentation>[0:1]Container for defining rules about which navigational controls should be presented to the learner when this activity is being delivered. Only applicable to leaf items (SCO and Assets, not Aggregations)
- <navigationInterface>[0:1]Further container element for specifying available navigational controls.
- <hideLMSUI>[0:many]Each hideLMSUI element specifies a navigational control that the content author wishes the LMS to hide during delivery of this activity.
- <navigationInterface>[0:1]Further container element for specifying available navigational controls.
- <metadata>[0:1]Metadata describing this particular organization. Usually only used in courses with multiple organizations.
- lom or adlcp:location[1]Contains either embedded metadata (lom) or a relative URL to an external metadata file (adlcp:location). See the metadata section for a full description.
- <imsss:sequencing>[0:1]Sequencing data applicable to the organization node, or "root activity". See the sequencing section for full details.
- <resources>[1]Contains a list of all the resources (SCOs and Assets) used within this manifest.
- xml:base[0:1]Specifies a root URL for any URLs specified in child elements.
- <resource>[1:many]Container element for an individual resource.
- identifier[1]Identifier of this resource. Should be unique within this manifest.
- type[1]Should always be set to "webcontent".
- href[0:1]If this resource is launchable the href attribute contains a relative URL to the file that should be launched first.
- xml:base[0:1]Specifies a root URL for any URLs specified in child elements.
- adlcp:scormType[1]Type of the resource: sco or asset
- <metadata>[0:1]Metadata describing this particular resource. Useful for content that will be stored in a repository that allows SCO-level reuse.
- <lom or adlcp:location>[1]Contains either embedded metadata (lom) or a relative URL to an external metadata file (adlcp:location). See the metadata section for a full description.
- <file>[1:many]Every resource should contain a file element for each and every file that is required to deliver by the resource.
- href[1]Relative location to the file being specified.
- <metadata>[0:1]Metadata about this particular file. Rarely used and usually overkill.
- <lom or adlcp:location>[1]Contains either embedded metadata (lom) or a relative URL to an external metadata file (adlcp:location). See the metadata section for a full description.
- <dependency>[0:many]Pointer to another resource that contains files that are required for this resource. Dependencies are a handy way to represent shared files.
- identifierref[1]Pointer to the identifier of another resource.
- <imsss:sequencingCollection>[0:1]Container of sequencing rule sets that can be referenced from other activities. Useful shortcut for representing common sets of sequencing rules.
- <sequencing>[0:many]A set of sequencing rules. See the sequencing section for details. All sequencing elements defined in a sequencing collection must contain an identifier attribute.