Looking for a way to keep courses on your servers but deliver them to other LMSs? Since SCORM requires that the content and player reside in the same domain, you’ll need to bypass cross-domain JavaScript restrictions.

Managing eLearning content distribution on your own requires three things: a central location to host your content, the ability to bypass the same-origin policy and eLearning standard expertise.

How to create your own eLearning content distribution solution:

  1. Centrally host your eLearning content
  2. Bypass the same-origin policy’s browser cross-domain JavaScript restrictions
  3. Gain eLearning standard expertise
  4. Get inspired by an existing content distribution solution

Centrally host your eLearning content

In order to control and understand eLearning content that plays across platforms, first centrally host your course and distribute it via proxy files. This way, whenever you update training in your central system, it will automatically update across LMSs.

Bypass SCORM’s browser cross-domain JavaScript restrictions:

  • Using HTML5 postMessage allows you to send data messages between two windows/frames across domains.

Gain eLearning standard expertise

You need expertise in eLearning standards to properly address technical challenges in content delivery. Make sure you can conform to various eLearning standards including SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, xAPI, cmi5 and AICC and that you keep up to date as changes are made or new standards are released.

Get inspired by an existing solution

At Rustici Software, we offer a few solutions (Rustici Cross DomainRustici Dispatch, Content Controller and SCORM Cloud) that bypass SCORM’s cross domain JavaScript restrictions to help you play content in third party platforms. If you want to check out one of our products for free, SCORM Cloud’s Dispatch feature lets you centrally host, manage and track content across platforms.

Questions? Ask us anything.

At Rustici Software, we help hundreds of people each month with their SCORM questions. Many aren’t sales prospects; they just have questions. We’re happy to help. You can ask us anything ‒ really.