SCORM Parity Reports

All Calls will return 40X if not authorized

Following are GET requests. Only GET will be supported at this time.


This call requires Actor, Activity, or both. Sending neither will return nothing.

Returns 200 ok if successful returns code for not found if not found

Parameter Required Format Description
actor Optional JSON Represents the Actor object we're requesting data for. This will be passed to the integration layers GetPerson call first
activity Optional String Represents a particular Activity ID you'd like results for
Results JSON Format
      "Actor": *Actor Object*,
      "Activity": *Activity ID*,
      "Completion": (Complete / Incomplete / Unknown),
      "Success": (Pass / Fail),
      "Score" : "55.5",
      "Duration" : "1:05:22"
      "Actor": *Actor Object*,
      "Activity": *Activity ID*,
      "Completion": (Complete / Incomplete / Unknown),
      "Success": (Pass / Fail),
      "Score" : "55.5",
      "Duration" : "1:05:22"


Returns 200 ok if successful

If No Actor is Sent all Activities will be returned

Parameter Required Format Description
agent Optional JSON Represents the Actor object we're requesting data for. This will be passed to the integration layers GetPerson call first
Results JSON Format
      "Activity": *Activity ID*,
      "Activity-json": *Activity JSON*
      "Activity": *Activity ID*,
      "Activity-json": *Activity JSON*


Returns 200 ok if successful returns code for not found if not found

If no Activity is sent all Actors will be returned. This does not include child activities or sub activities part of a group.

Parameter Required Format Description
activity Optional String Represents a particular Actor ID you'd like results for
      "Actor": *Actor JSON*,      
      "Actor": *Actor JSON*